December 5th saw Liverpool coming out of lockdown into Tier 2 which was widely celebrated but will the city continue on this upwards trajectory and move into Tier 1 in time for Christmas?
Moving down to Tier 1 would see more hospitality businesses open including drinks only pubs and bars. The 10pm curfew would also be removed and would allow venues to operate till 5am, except for nightclubs.
With a recent announcement from Matt Hancock moving London into Tier 3 due to Christmas shopping and rising cases there is a lot of uncertainty on how the tier review will affect Liverpool and Merseyside.
Despite efforts from Liverpool's community and the city council it looks like we will be staying exactly where we are, in tier 2.
December Liverpool's coronavirus case levels have plateaued in the last week with 450 cases compared to 481 the week prior. With more people being back in work and doing their Christmas shopping these are promising results but are still relatively high compared to Cornwall in tier 1 which saw only 104 cases last week.
The good news is that Liverpool infection rate has stayed the same at around 90 per 100,000 people which is miles above the national average of 165, so it's unlikely that we move into Tier 3.
Decisions are made based on these factors
Click here For more information on the covid tier system and what it means for hospitality.